Sunday, May 30, 2010

The bad side of Globalization on Africa

There are many different kind of agreement that exists in this world whether fair or unfair. However, the most important element is to respect the equity and obtain the satisfaction of all the parties involved in a deal. The concept of globalization has been developed in the aim of increasing international relations on commercial purposes. Unfortunately, Globalization is not as equitable for all countries as it should be. It has been more profitable for the rich countries than for the poor ones. Indeed, Africa for example, encounters some disadvantages with the globalization; it is unconceivable that you have a product and you are not allow to pricing it. African people produce products that they sell to the rich countries at the price decide by these latter. Even problems with currencies do not help African merchants to develop import and export. African people have to buy goods in euros but they have to sell their products in euro. Since euro is stronger than dollar, that simply means that, they sell cheaper or more expensive they product depending of the value of the dollar at the time of the selling. Moreover, the rich countries decide the rules and the decisions that are applied to globalization. That is why a reform of globalization is important to make this interesting solution to respect its principal objectives.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"People particularly Americans should travel more"

I think you can consider yourself as a lucky person if you have had the opportunities to visit new countries and to share your values and culture with people coming from another community. When I talk about "travel", I'm not only talking about going to a foreign country, but also about discovering a new community, new ways of acting, thinking and living. You can discover for example that because of the colonization, you can encounter in two different bordering countries two populations coming from the same ethnic group that has been divided by the delimitation of the borders. Knowing this, we can now avoid doing the same error in the future. We all heard about the word "racism" or "xenophobia" but, but who really understand their significance and how these ideas growth up in people head? Racism and xenophobia are in reality the fear of others, the fear and the apprehension of all what we don't know or seen before. Taking the time to know better other communities, allows to avoid the conception of racism in our head, because you better understand the others. Being myself an international student, every day I gain benefits from being in close contacts with Americans, Chinese, and people coming from all over the world, because I learn everyday new techniques, and I do what we call borrowing from another culture, to ameliorate myself and back to my country in the future to apply all what I would have learned.