Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weird things happens all the time

Many people do not believe in superstition. It can certainly be understandable since superstitious events are not generally attached to rational explanations. But what can you tell about that? What could you tell if somebody tells you that, in Cameroon, people have found in a mayonnaise glass jar, a human being? Yes it is true, confirmed with pictures. This surprising discovery is come with a particular image: “that of a man alive, physically well formed, with its four crossed, sitting inside a glass mayonnaise containing a reddish liquid that is apparently sticky”. From there we can ask ourselves a question; is it a fetus or a mature man? Because of the fact that a fetus of that size, supposedly aged of three months, cannot be that much developed, the hypothesis of this being a fetus can be questioned. Even the thesis of this being the result of an abortion cannot be taken into account. Indeed, why would a woman willing to make an abortion would take care about putting her dead fetus into a jar full of that weird liquid. We could understand that she would have liked to put the fetus in jar but why adding this secretion? The jar has been discovered by two 12 years old children that were playing near to it. Afraid by this weird thing, they have alerted their parents who called the cops. The cops came and pick up the jar with its strange contained to make further investigations. This is strange, but this kind of events happened all the time in Africa, but even in industrialized country under different forms. I do not have the final version of this mystery yet. However, all what I can say is that our world is so strange; people should take care about where they are putting they legs into. Here is the link where you can see the pictures coming from Crtv,the Cameroonian national television, that gives credibility to the story:

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