Thursday, June 10, 2010


What is the real purpose on collecting inconsiderable amount of money and wealth? I always questioned myself for a long time about the answer of this question. When you die, you don't bring your money with you; so it is a more profitable and salutary action to help people in need instead of keeping into your account large amounts of money. One definition of philanthropy is the effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations; that simply means that there are people able to put aside the race to wealth to help those who are really needy. Even from a religious aspect, the Bible ask people to help each other. Because of the fact that I grew up in Africa where you can meet people extremely poor, I know people that are living with less than 100 dollar a month, and it has always been a dreamed for me to be enough successful in my professional life to afford helping other people. One year ago, this desire has been consolidated when I read the biography of a famous personage in the American History, Andrew Carnegie. This man is considered as the second richest man of the world history, but has given away more than 350 millions dollars in his life time almost for philanthropy. These million dollars, that represent ¾ of all the money he earned in his life, would represent billions now. And it is admirable to see somebody that has understood that even if money it is important to live, it is less important than human values. One of my preferred quotations from him is “Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community”. For me the best way to help people is not to give them money, but allow them by different ways such as build school, library create employ and grant scholarship, to become Independant.

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